Returning to the Roots of Community Resilience in Hawai‘i

Hawai‘i is “showing the rest of the country how circular and regenerative and local food systems can support the economy, strengthen cultural heritage, and improve the overall health of the community,”

Bridging Social Justice & Community Resilience

On June 23rd, 25 Transition leaders from across the country met virtually to share and explore strategies for bridging community resilience and social justice. Our conversation focused on strategies that align with Transition’s approach of systemic–yet localized–solutions, and fall into two main categories: healing the damage of systemic racism and building equitable new systems.

Building Community Resilience: Before, During, and After COVID-19

But even as our own physical and economic health are being threatened like never before, the health of our planet and our society as a whole have been declining rapidly for decades now. So we need everyone who can to join the fight. This applies equally during this crisis as it will long after it has receded.

Money, Food and Love Now

What can we do!? We want to feel in control in an out of control time. We want to occupy our minds with something other than worry.

I’ve spent half my adult life, it seems, prepping for this moment by creating resilience tools for money, food and community. They are simple, though take intention to use.

Call to Action for the US Transition Movement

This is the time for us to roll up our sleeves and get to work. It is time for us to rise beyond our fears and limitations and step into humble and collaborative community leadership. It is time for us to show the world our vision of a better future, and to share the tools we need to start building it.