
Jesse Jackson stands at the divide between a restored forest and an unrestored section, a stark difference in canopies.

Where Fire Back Means Land Back

As Jackson’s traditional ecological knowledge tells him, this is the kind of growth the landscape will see again as the Cow Creek Umpqua manage fire for open and clear savannas, benefiting the land and people there for generations to come.

September 26, 2024

City of Liege.

The Regeneration Handbook: System-changing strategies

To inspire hope that ordinary people such as ourselves can bring about meaningful change, I’ve included brief snapshots below of some of the largest and most successful systems-changing strategies I know. Because these kinds of stories are not often reported on in the mainstream media, we need to do everything in our power to get them out as far and wide as possible.

September 26, 2024

Flooding from Hurricane Fred

Hurricanes don’t stop at the coast – these mountain towns know how severe inland flood damage can be, and they’re watching Helene

For communities, preparing for these future risks requires learning from past floods but also recognizing that future storms may produce flooding that goes beyond the scale of anything seen before.

September 26, 2024

art in action

What Art Is Not

Art is not a cheap alternative to an advertising agency or a sophisticated extension of the communications department, and the urgency of the message doesn’t change this

September 25, 2024

Pope Pius IX


So, yes, I can be reasonably certain that modernity is self-terminating as a short-lived, unusual, demonstrably destructive mode of living that is reliant on one-time resources and not at all integrated into the only real form of life-support on the planet: ecological reciprocity.

September 25, 2024

Ansembourg garden

Luxembourg | A Good Gardener is a Teacher and Politician

A master gardener and co-founder of the SEED association for the preservation and use of the region’s traditional seed varieties, Frank Adams has long been involved in the legislative battle waged by seed savers to gain recognition for the necessity and specific nature of their work.

September 24, 2024

Installing bee hives

Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation for Sustainable Solutions

To ensure a comprehensive climate response, both mitigation and adaptation strategies are essential.  Mitigation helps prevent further damage, while adaptation prepares communities to cope with changes that are already occurring or are inevitable. Together, they can help build a sustainable and resilient future.

September 24, 2024

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