
Own it together

Introducing commons ideas at the Festival of Commoning

I want to convince you that a commons system is a better system, and it’s achievable – a combination of new commons economy and commons governance ideas. I think a commons system will produce much better leaders in terms of integrity, compassion and intelligence than capitalism and liberal democracy.

August 29, 2024


Interview: The Populist Moment

What takes place in the 1980s and 1990s is a concerted class offensive that attempts to execute a controlled demolition of civil society.

August 28, 2024

open pit mine

How to Decolonize Our Battle Against Climate Change

Rich countries have exported climate breakdown through extractive industries, creating a “carbon colonialism.”

August 28, 2024

Town green

A Vision for Sustainable Community Consciousness

Understanding how the root causes of our existential crisis lie in our behaviors, our individual and social behaviors, we can move to address the all-important role of culture in the creation and maintenance of sustainable communities.

August 28, 2024


“Our Future is Ancestral:” The Micro-Revolution of Ethno-Tourism

Looking back can teach us how to move forward. That’s why, to close with Krenak’s words, our future is ancestral.

August 27, 2024

oak tree

Markets can’t save us

The economy, aka capitalism, is governed by growth and competition. Therefore, the currently popular notion that businesses or the private sector will drive sustainability is delusional.

August 27, 2024


Degrowth aims to achieve ‘frugal abundance’

Degrowth is about building societies in which everyone is rich – without much material. It is a desirable project to strive for.

August 26, 2024

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