Reflecting on ORFC 2021: Blinking into the Light – Galvanising Food Movements in Troubling Times

And so, as we emerge blinking into the light, from behind our lockdown screens, it is with an invigorated vision of the world we’re collectively striving to build. We have much to do, but grounds to be positive.

The Intersection of Gender Equality and Agroecology

The weekly #HUNGERFORJUSTICE Broadcast Series lays the building blocks for a post-COVID food system. Watch the recording of our first episode: The Intersection of Gender Equality and Agroecology with Seno Tsuhah and Wekoweu Akole Tsuhah, moderated by Jen Scott.

Agroecology or Collapse Part III – Reclaiming the ‘archaic’, ‘anarchic’, and ‘utopian’ as the language of food system transformation

Agroecology is archaic, anarchic, and utopian – of course it is and thank goodness! In the final post of this three-part series, Paulo Petersen and Denis Monteiro push back against the arguments often made against agroecology.

Announcing “Agroecology in Motion: Nourishing Transformation”

From the acceleration of the climate crisis, the dangerous decline of biodiversity and Covid-19 to the sustained and committed work of social movements to raise agroecology’s profile – agroecology is now gaining recognition and momentum as an alternative to a failing food system.

Agroecology or Collapse Part II – Democratizing Food Systems and Breaking the Bonds of Food Empires

To break the bonds of dependence on capital is the objective of agriculture organized according to an explicitly oriented approach to remunerating labor and ensuring the ecological reproduction of the means of production. Agroecology is this approach.

Agroecology or Collapse: Part 1 – From Emergency Responses to Systemic Transformations

More than ever, public support for healthy food production and distribution shows itself as a win-win strategy that is indispensable for combining long-standing social and economic challenges, now aggravated by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Agroecology and Food Sovereignty

Birlik is building new connections between consumers and Small-Scale Fisheries that are accessible to people of all economic backgrounds, while protecting traditional fisher cultures, and providing an alternative vision of just, sustainable, fisheries.

Recipe for disaster: Globalised food systems, structural inequality, and COVID-19

How can we begin to understand the complex relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and our food systems? How is this crisis impacting communities and transformative strategies for a future founded on international solidarity, agroecology and food sovereignty?