The True Cost of Food

These days I’m focused on the true cost of food. We have the cheapest food in the world. Food purchases make up something like 8% of our GDP. But when you start to factor in all the chronic diseases and environmental impacts—the health footprint of food—then all of a sudden we have the most expensive food in the world. Not 8% but 25% or higher. How is it we have something that is so cheap but so expensive?

Why True Cost Accounting is Not a Good Concept for Markets and Public Policy

Farming is the most significant human management system of the planet; the future of humans on the planet largely rests upon how we manage our farmscapes. If we accept this then it has profound implica­tions for agricultural policy for it means that ‘managing the planet’ is almost as an important task of the farming system as supplying food.

A Smarter Approach for Multilateral Lending to Farmers

A new report by Foundation Earth and Watershed Media entitled Biosphere smart agriculture in a true cost economy calls on the World Bank (and other development banks) to assess the full ecological impact of agricultural development projects before providing loans, in order to account for the true cost of production.