Food Sovereignty, Climate Action and Local Resilience

Beyond our local context, the Food Sovereignty movement provides a global political framework for change based on social justice, solidarity, empowering women and re- organising international trade and economic relations.

Roots of Resilience: How CAP, Farm to Fork, and Land Policies can Support an Agroecological Transition in Europe

It is time to rediscover the roots of our resilience by grounding land policy in collective action and democratic forms of land politics. That’s according to a new report led by Transnational Institute. T

Organizing for food sovereignty in Boston

I will say, as I think Pen stresses in the solidarity economy sort of writings and discussions, that we do need a new economic context for this. These aren’t all going to be your traditional profitable businesses. They contribute a lot more to the community.

Linking food and feminisms: learning from decolonial movements

Feminist movements that are anti-racist, decolonial, anti- and post-colonial, including indigenous feminism, offer other ways of thinking about the link between feminism and food. Specifically borne from the context of Turtle Island and Abya Yala, decoloniality offers a particularly powerful lens.

Reflecting on ORFC 2021: Blinking into the Light – Galvanising Food Movements in Troubling Times

And so, as we emerge blinking into the light, from behind our lockdown screens, it is with an invigorated vision of the world we’re collectively striving to build. We have much to do, but grounds to be positive.

‘Be bolder, go further’

What we need from Part 2 of the National Food Strategy are bold recommendations for alternatives that help us move away from the corporate controlled supermarket model, which create good quality jobs in the food and farming sector, inspire healthier diets and build community food resilience.

The Brotherhood of the Buffalo

Dawn Sherman and her colleagues are committed to growing the Tanka brand against all odds, as part of their community service, she noted. “We’re more than a brand. It’s who we are,” she said. “We’re like the buffalo. We face the storm. Eventually the storm’s going to end.”

A Call for Community-Based Seed Diversity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

We would be remiss not to sow true, place-based seed sovereignty in every region and among every culture on this planet, well before a future crisis could uproot us again.

Agroecology and Food Sovereignty

Birlik is building new connections between consumers and Small-Scale Fisheries that are accessible to people of all economic backgrounds, while protecting traditional fisher cultures, and providing an alternative vision of just, sustainable, fisheries.

Recipe for disaster: Globalised food systems, structural inequality, and COVID-19

How can we begin to understand the complex relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and our food systems? How is this crisis impacting communities and transformative strategies for a future founded on international solidarity, agroecology and food sovereignty?