A Climate Scientist Goes to Jail with Peter Kalmus (Bonus episode of Crazy Town)

Climate scientist and activist Peter Kalmus returns to Crazy Town, but this time with a green badge of courage. Earlier this year, he locked himself to the entrance of the JP Morgan Chase building in downtown Los Angeles to protest their ongoing investment in the fossil fuel industry.

Tech Bros on Acid with Douglas Rushkoff (Bonus episode of Crazy Town)

Douglas Rushkoff revisits Crazy Town, where he and Asher discuss why so many billionaires, academic institutions, and “serious” people are drawn to longtermism – the view that our top priority should be ensuring that humanity can spread its wings throughout the physical and virtual universe.

Boys and Oil with Taylor Brorby (Bonus episode of Crazy Town)

Taylor Brorby has written one hell of a memoir. It covers many critical topics that come up in Crazy Town, from fracking to civil disobedience to that most inept of  policies: aiming for infinite economic growth on a finite planet.

Chillin’ and Killin’: How Air Conditioning Has Altered Human Behavior and the Environment (Episode 60 of Crazy Town)

For such tame technology, air conditioning really packs a punch when it comes to enabling environmental obscenities, indefensible infrastructure, and shortsighted settlement patterns.

Throwing Superman through a Cigarette Truck: The Insidious Manipulation of Advertising (Episode 59 of Crazy Town)

Take a tour through the history of advertising, and explore the escalation of mind games and marketing mania that has fueled consumerism and the capitalist conflagration, leaving us on the brink of a climate meltdown. B

Hippos in the Bayou: Human Hubris and the Ecological Mayhem of Introduced Species (Episode 57 of Crazy Town)

What kind of thinking leads to the unleashing of exotic species on unsuspecting ecosystems? Hint: it’s certainly not systems thinking or critical thinking – in fact, thinking may not be involved at all!