The body as territory: The Kamëntšá Biyá: Land use planning in defense of the sacred

In this transmedia series, we will enter three very different emblematic indigenous communities in Colombia through the eyes of three different indigenous reporters — a journalist and two filmmakers— to tell their stories of community resilience.

Growing Food and Latino Culture in Tucson’s Barrio Centro

Although urban agriculture has a long history, Barrio Centro is part of a more recent movement to increase food security in underserved, largely ethnic communities while retaining or reclaiming cultural traditions and values that people can share and express through those spaces.

The African Earth Jurisprudence Collective: Navigating towards a Resilient Future

A new, uniquely African hope is emerging to counter threats to the continent’s most precious ecosystems and to revive ways of life that restore the relationship between communities and their lands and waters after centuries of colonial harm.

How laid-off coal miners are reclaiming their own economy

The true wealth of Appalachia isn’t underground, but within its people. Coalfield elevates the Appalachian values of “gumption, grit, and grace.” They’re the same qualities that allowed people to make a living in the mountains for generations.

Ancestral Territory of Lake Budi, Chile: A collaborative opportunity to revitalize an indigenous regenerative ‘blue’ economy

Throughout history, and now more than ever, learning from First Nations and the traditional knowledge they offer may be the key to our resilience as living beings “to survive well together” in the Anthropocene.

Traditional skills help people on the tourism-deprived Pacific Islands survive the pandemic

But our research shows how people are surviving – and in some cases, thriving – in the face of significant loss of income.

This is due in part to their reliance on customary knowledge, systems and practices.