Whatever Works (There are no rules)
Farming is a science but it is also an art. There is no one book, one philosophy, one six-week course which can teach that.
Farming is a science but it is also an art. There is no one book, one philosophy, one six-week course which can teach that.
We have the option to utterly divest, and build CARE based opportunities outside the current system. Which is what CARE-HOME-FARM is. It’s a model, which we hope to test and explore in real life, for an inter-sufficient community.
From a society-wide perspective, a new consciousness a involves major cultural change and a reorientation of what society values and prizes most highly.
The Spinsters hope to both beautify the downtown core and bring wool manufacturing back to Bellingham. They’re not the only ones looking forward to the transformation. Downtown Bellingham Partnership’s Jenny Hagemann says Spincycle’s move is “an exciting chapter” in the neighbourhood’s “continued revitalization.”
We can farm like an ecosystem, we can hold onto the rainwater and disperse it when needed. And, with trees nearby, they do much of the work for us. Why aren’t we paying attention?
How do we try to compensate for our destruction of so much of Earth’s life? By curbing ourselves? By deep societal change? By bending heaven and Earth to protect what is left, before it is too late?
An ecological chaplaincy then might be one that tends to the spiritual care of people of any or no faith who want to connect more deeply with the earth, or who worry about what is happening to the earth.
We are showing why a new generation of farmers is turning away from conventional farming and choosing to work with nature to create resilient farming systems that do not rely on chemical inputs, heavy mechanisation and monocrops.
At the very moment when our survival demands a deep overturning of what we have long believed to be true and proper, settling for less will look like the crazier option.
So what is this Welsh cultural attitude and why does it matter so much in a book about the history of the landscape? In summary, it is the deeply held conviction that the land and its people are inextricably intertwined.
One day, when a new world rises from the ashes of this chemically-infused and churned and oil-burned wasteland, the basement of history, we may all work together to rebuild, to try again, and, most importantly, to love and to have better memories.
Biospheric cognition, when brightly lit, always places the biosphere first and central. Always. Biospheric cognition is a context in which understanding and meaning take place as the very biosphere itself (Herself) cognizing with and through us, awake or awakening to itself/Herself as us.