A national divorce? Surveying the potential for a national breakup
We don’t need a national divorce. We need a new basis of unity, and that ultimately will come by talking with one another.
We don’t need a national divorce. We need a new basis of unity, and that ultimately will come by talking with one another.
Law professor Mary Wood breaks down how people can protect their right to clean air, water, and land as well as fortify their climate change resiliency.
A global movement to give nature rights is growing in the face of a mass extinction event driven by climate change and human over-use of the natural world.
Executive Order 13795, issued by President Donald Trump in April 2017, opened a review process on newly expanded territories within marine sanctuaries, meaning that areas expanded by previous administrations could be opened up for resource extraction. A period of public comment on this review closed in early August; no decisions have been announced and there is no indication that Cordell Bank has been targeted, but the action serves as a reminder that protected areas could face future threats.
You try to raise a voice because you have nothing but your voice. A voice to speak up for something which cannot speak up for itself.
Mary Christina Wood has an unsparing view of the state of environmental protection in the United States today…
First things first — protect the environment and all the awesome potential of the United States can be achieved. Lose focus on the environment and the rug will be pulled from posterity’s future.
Float down the remote Kobuk River and you might encounter grizzlies, salmon, bald eagles, and caribou. Oh—and open-pit mines, if Alaska’s governor gets his way.
Protecting areas from resource extraction is the one sure way to address the paradox that energy production and consumption are both powering and destroying our civilization.
Writing a book is like going on a journey. You explore the terrain, make discoveries, meet interesting people, and maybe learn new languages. The longer the book-writing, the longer the journey.
Now, the good news is, we can make meaningful progress on this issue [climate change] while driving strong economic growth.” With that sentence from his State of the Union address, President Obama capitulated to paltry cynicism. Alas, he will not be the president who finally comes clean on the trade-off between economic growth and environmental protection. Obama is now committed to win-win, green-growth rhetoric.
The Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) has been the leading organization in advancing the steady state economy as a policy goal for nearly ten years. Maybe that’s not saying much, because CASSE has been the only organization focused on advancing the steady state economy. But times, they are a-changin’.