How my late grandmother, Veronica Isieke, defended the rights of rural women to own land and feed families

Growing under the watch of a focused, fearless, and nature-friendly grandmother contributed largely to my love for nature and belief that women have a right that should be preserved and respected.

How Uganda’s ecofeminists are fighting back against oil-industry land grabs

But despite women bearing the heaviest burden as primary farmers, they own only 7% of land and are marginalized in any decision-making on how the land is used. The lack of land-ownership means women do not benefit from compensation packages offered by infrastructure developments.

The Banality of Evocation

When it comes to the feminist movement, monuments to individuals are “a standing historic lie” because women’s rights have been won “by a steady history of millions of women and men… working together at the best of times, separately at the worst.” Wagner believes that to honor individuals for such achievements today is to disempower the movement itself.