Sustainability, Resilience and Adaptability as Guiding Principles

An important part of many worldviews are key words that embody guiding principles. Freedom, liberty and justice represent three such words in the US, and in this post I’d like to explore a few that act as guiding principles in more limited contexts: sustainability, resilience and adaptability.

Sustainability Sucks

Framing a project or a business as "sustainable" no longer serves us.  The dominant use of the word has ceased to mean what some of us orginally intended and, in fact, the term has been co-opted and watered down in many cases.  Labelling something "sustainable" may even alienate potential allies, or at least people with whom you might want to get along.  What do we really mean?  What do we really want?  Let’s find the new language set that can help us get there.

Worldwatch Institute Symposium – April 2013 Is Sustainability Still Possible?

On Tuesday, April 16, the Worldwatch Institute held its seventeenth annual State of the World Symposium to launch its latest book, State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible? As contributors to the book, Pat Murphy and Faith Morgan were invited to attend the event, where Pat spoke on one of several panels. The complex topic of sustainability was addressed along with the need to measure it in order to prepare for the currently unsustainable future toward which we are making quick strides. The symposium was held in Washington, but an online live stream of the panels was offered for those of us who could not make it to D.C.