Re-engaging Imagination

If we’re making political decisions around how we want to exist in the world, then we need to think about the impossible.  And to think about the impossible we need to connect to this place that does not exist within your current state of mind.  This is why play should be a political – to open us up to unknowability.

P2P, the Commons and the Imagination

We need something like the guilds in the Middle Ages.  We need leagues of cities.  We need leagues of co-ops.  In Fukushima you can’t just say, “I’m going to have a fishing co-op in my village”.  Sometimes you need scale to answer certain issues that can’t be solved at any local level.

Robert Macfarlane: “The Metaphors we Use Deliver us Hope, or they Foreclose Possibility”

These debates are precisely what makes the Anthropocene so valuable as an idea.  It stops us short.  It buttonholes us.  It head-butts us.  Then it asks us really, really hard questions while we’re reeling.  I think that’s where its value lies. 

How our Dreams are Tamed

So the sense of worthlessness, and the fear of worthlessness, of pointlessness, of meaninglessness, tends to drive a lot of our efforts.  But if we remove that fear, That’s my ‘if’ question:  if we manage to remove that fear, of pointlessness, worthlessness, and meaninglessness, what would be possible for us to do?

“Utopia is All Around Us”

I think we now need utopian thinking more than ever. The mistake people often make with utopia is to see it as a destination, a fixed end point. Instead, utopia is the process of first imagining, and then believing that we can organise the world differently, which empowers us to take steps towards it