The Age of Oil: Every man a master, every man a slave

“If we do commit a sin owning slaves,” said one Alabama slaveholder in 1835, “it is certainly one which is attended with great conveniences.” You can say the same thing about using energy from fossil fuels — it may be immoral, but it sure is handy. And that’s the conundrum that Andrew Nikiforuk examines in The Energy of Slaves: Oil and the New Servitude.

Life, energy, the universe and everything

In Douglas Adams’ science fiction series, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a computer dubbed Deep Thought discovers the "answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything." Here I ponder the answer to the slightly expanded question of life, energy, the universe, and everything.

Climate, politics & money – Apr 19

•The Great Unmentionable •Why can’t we quit fossil fuels? •The Fossil Fuel Resistance •Jeremy Grantham, environmental philanthropist: ‘We’re trying to buy time for the world to wake up’ •Clean energy progress too slow to limit global warming – report •Meet an Orion Book Award Finalist: Flight Behavior

Current U.S. energy policy: Risk management that is worse than ever

Current U.S. energy policy is, in fact, a hodgepodge of disconnected policies designed for specific constituencies with no coherent goal. What never gets asked and answered definitively in the policy debate is this: What should our ultimate goal be and when should we aim to achieve it?

No place sacred: ENERGY (review)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. With that in mind, the 195 color, mostly full page — often double page — photographs in the Post Carbon Institute’s latest book, ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth, speaks volumes beyond its gigantic sized pages about the energy and environmental predicament humanity is immersed in today.