In Scathing Review, EPA’s Science Advisors Tell Agency Not to Downplay Fracking-Related Water Contamination

On Thursday, the Environmental Protection Agency’s scientific advisors finished their review of EPA’s national study on fracking and sternly rebuked the EPA for claiming that its draft study had found no evidence of “widespread, systemic” impacts to drinking water.

The Color of Pollution: How Environmental Contamination Targets People of Color

The way that a person’s race – and to a lesser extent, wealth – determines who gets the benefits or the downsides of drilling and other industrial activity has a term. Depending on who you ask, it’s environmental justice or the more controversial term environmental racism.

This Grassroots Louisiana Organization in a Conservative Parish Wants to Ban Fracking

Citizens in Louisiana are attempting to use their grassroots movement to prevent a company from fracking in their community, and despite the odds have shown that community organizing and coordination can achieve results in the face of formidable obstacles.