Reaching for one planet living – shared spaces
So how could shared spaces, and shared facilities work in the developed world where we have become accustomed to private spaces, and having ownership of almost everything we use?
So how could shared spaces, and shared facilities work in the developed world where we have become accustomed to private spaces, and having ownership of almost everything we use?
In this article we’d like to offer some new thinking: a policy proposal that we feel has the potential to be transformative. At its simplest, our proposal involves providing self-selecting unemployed public housing residents with a basic, living wage.
The buildings of eco-communities shape many communities’ functions. As Jan Martin Bang argues, “we are what we live in. When we plan our buildings, we are also planning what kind of society we want to create…we make the buildings and the buildings make us.”
With the development of Clichy-Batignolles, the city of Paris has created a groundbreaking eco-village filled with such buildings. Begun in 2002, the massive redevelopment project is about 30 percent complete and is slated to be finished in 2020.
In the present paper, we intend to show that when it comes to the topic of sustainability, a considerable amount of strong and motivating bottom-up civil society initiatives exist, working for positive social and environmental outcomes.
This video, made by local young filmmaker Nicholas Ryan-Purcell, was produced for a presentation being made at the International Awards for Liveable Communities 2013 (The LivCom Awards) in Xiamen, China at the 29th of November.
Just in a reach of city bus from Athens, there is a community, which may be a living treasure of the commoning in Greece.
Since Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, UUSC has partnered with the Papaye Peasant Movement (MPP) in the Central Plateau on pilot projects to support survivors, create sustainable rural livelihoods, and foster people’s control over their own food. Beyond initial relief work, UUSC has made a long-term commitment in Haiti, redefining recovery to include social justice. As part of these efforts, UUSC has championed two innovative MPP models: the eco-village and tire gardens. These models are bearing fruit — and vegetables, as the case may be — and UUSC is helping transform them from testing ground into template.