Philadelphia Passes Public Banking Law
From It’s A Wonderful Life, we can see the advantages of community and cooperative banking where the people, and not corporate bosses, are in charge.
From It’s A Wonderful Life, we can see the advantages of community and cooperative banking where the people, and not corporate bosses, are in charge.
You can consider Open Collective an infrastructure for commoning — a backend system that makes it easier and more normal for people to manage money fairly, collectively, and with open accountability.
This new handbook is an indispensable guide to climate activists and policy-makers alike towards a complete overhaul of the financial system to stop climate chaos.
One of the key recommendations is the feed in tariff which is probably inspired by the successful German implementation of solar energy.
The ASECO Community Revolving Loan Fund (CRLF) is the first ever small business micro-loan program funded by, managed, and benefiting a time bank.
Community Sourced Capital is a newly formed lender that aims to apply the crowd-sourcing model to encourage the growth of locally owned businesses.