Kaiao, Elua
It is makahiki, the beginning of the rains
and through this falling fertility
the garden crying out
with a deeper, a darker gingery voice
to these young gardeners…
It is makahiki, the beginning of the rains
and through this falling fertility
the garden crying out
with a deeper, a darker gingery voice
to these young gardeners…
Ellen Bass is an award-winning poet, author and a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. Her poems appear frequently in The New Yorker, American Poetry Review, and many other journals. From her view as a poet, Ellen addresses the question of “What Could Possibly Go Right?”
A poem celebrating the life and work of Rachel Carson, author of the environmental classic Silent Spring.
taught by patriarchy to take up less space
at the expense of my breath,
taught by capitalism to be productive
at the expense of my breath,
taught by modernity to disconnect from my body
at the expense of my breath,
this violent mind-body separation
joining all those other power-laden fragmentations
of modern supremacist culture
I planted them with the hope
That my foolish culture will soon desist in its
Suicidal efforts to sever the ties
Between humans and the Earth