What About Skipping the Turkey This Year?

Any time one attempts to grow a lot of something for one specific day, it’s going to cause ecological harm (at least in a world of 8 billion humans). Whether that’s sheep for the Muslim holiday of Eid-al-Adha, or turkeys for the American holiday of Thanksgiving.

Thoughtful Eating

The polarisation of the meat debate is driving a dangerous divide between people united by the same aim: saving the planet. We need to stop demonising and start collaborating. Whether we choose to eat animal protein or not, the thing that really matters is that we think about our food choices. Forget omnivore, flexitarian, vegetarian, vegan – we should all be united as thoughtful eaters.

Can a Good Gaian Eat Meat?

It is foolish to lose the knowledge of animal husbandry and butchering skills. It is only a matter of time when we (in consumer cultures) will need and rely directly on them again. In the meantime, if we choose to eat meat and animal products, we should support those who are caring for their animals humanely and sustainably, who are reintegrating these farming skills and services into our local economies, and who are helping to build or sustain a resilient local food system.

Claims Against Meat Fail to Consider Bigger Picture

I can see big advantages, both environmental and ethical in reducing the production and consumption of grain-fed meat, be it chicken, pork or beef. But there is an overwhelmingly important case why we should continue to produce and eat meat from animals predominantly reared on grass, especially when it is species-rich and not fertilised with nitrogen out of a bag.