Economics – Feb 23

Kurt Cobb: Why your investment adviser can’t advise the world
Which capitalism will it be?
The anti-economy
Paul Krugman: Who’ll stop the pain?
The global collapse: a non-orthodox view

Transport – Feb 23

In Amsterdam, the bicycle still rules
Slice of stimulus package will go to faster trains
Aviation lobbying in UK
Drop in passenger numbers delays Stansted expansion by two years
Review: Two Billion Cars

Economics & consequences – Feb 23

Zbigniew Brzezinski warns of class warfare and riots
Huge protest over Irish economy
Latvia’s government falls on economic toll
In parched Argentina, worries over economy grow
Britain faces summer of rage – police
Jobless, restless China: 20 million and growing

Creating a cottage garden

The early Puritans left their mark on us in a number of ways, some of which make life a series of joyless tasks. Sometimes I think their devotees must write garden books. The tone of many of the how-to books reeks of rules, admonitions, and dicta. How about a garden that is programmed to give you joy, to take care of you?