The World at 1°C — March ‘17

One of the many facets of humanity threatened by climate change is language itself, our ability to construct narrative to make sense of the world around us. How does a collection of words capture what confounds the limits of human imagination? How do you thread together a story about the unweaving of life?

The Twelve Days (and Months) of Climate Justice Day Eight: Trumpism – The Dirty, Ugly Reality (with a coda on the antidote!)

So much has been written already about Donald Trump, the election of 2016, and the horrors that surely lie ahead of us, that it is impossible to single out just one piece to focus hearts and minds. Therefore, taking the long view – and why not? Heaven help us if it’s a day more than four years – here is some of the deep background that you might want to explore on those long winter nights that try our souls.

The Twelve Days (and Months) of Climate Justice Day Seven: Take a Leap toward Climate Justice

The Leap is a manifesto that aspires to spark and inform a movement. I was one of hundreds who attended a meeting where it was presented to a global audience at COP 21 in Paris in December of 2015. There was real enthusiasm in a room of intergenerationals, much of it for a chance to hear Klein and her husband Avi Lewis, whose film based on the book, and is also titled This Changes Everything, had just been released.

Standing Rock Braces For Eviction: Will You Keep Fighting With Us?

As people from around the country continue to converge in Standing Rock, and less than a week after police blasted water protectors with water cannons in freezing temperatures while gassing them in a confined space, the Army Corps of Engineers has lived up to a long-held tradition of the United States government — the displacement of Native peoples.

As President Obama Hints At Dakota Access Possible Reroute, Tensions Swirl at Standing Rock

President Barack Obama, in an interview with Versha Sharma of NowThis News, said that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may consider a reroute of the hotly contested Dakota Access Pipeline, one which would presumably not cross sacred Native American sites.

Vindication for Press Freedom as Charges Dropped Against Journalist Amy Goodman

In a vindication for press freedom and land protectors fighting against the Dakota Access Pipeline, North Dakota has dismissed the “riot” charges against Democracy Now! journalist Amy Goodman, issued after she reported on pipeline company security guards physically assaulting nonviolent, mostly Indigenous land protectors in September.