Energy transitions – headlines

•Dick Smith vs Tim Flannery, and the solar revolution •Solar Energy Friendly Communities Help Mitigate Soft Costs •The Energiewende: An introductory look at Germany’s energy transformation •Solar Power Can Provide One-Third of U.S. West’s Energy Needs •Support local communities to install renewable energy systems, urge MPs •Gamechanger: Next Generation Wind Turbines With Storage Are Cheap, Reliable And Brilliant •Pilot Projects Bury CO2 in Basalt •Is Natural Gas the Cheapest Path to Clean Grid Power?

Energy transitions – Mar 14

•Berlin to buy back grid and go 100 percent renewable •Big Energy Battle: An Unlikely Effort to Buy Berlin’s Grid •German town goes off the grid, achieves energy independence •Crowdfunding and renewables: is power for the people by the people about to come of age? •Where next for the renewable energy European Supergrid? •The Price of Green Energy: Is Germany Killing the Environment to Save It? •Wind for Hydrogen – An UpdateIndia’s villagers reap visible benefits from solar electricity scheme •"Fool’s Gold" in the Climate Rush •Why carbon capture and storage will never pay off