Earth Repair – Homegrown Healing of Toxic Lands, part 1

March 16, 2015

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

Image Removed“Nature has been healing itself for a very long time, [but] there are ways for us as human beings to ally with the different organisms and try to facilitate their work.” Leila Darwish, author of Earth Repair, provides a grassroots guide to healing toxic and damaged landscapes. She talks about involving the local community, getting the soil and/or water tested periodically, and approaching the work with humility rather than “humans know best.” Healers can use plants, microbes and fungi like mushrooms to extract, bind or break down contaminants. She is excited by the experimentation done by grassroots remediators, who are openly sharing their successes and failures. “It shouldn’t be on the [local] people to do the cleanup work, but if you have healing work that needs to be done, it should be with people who have the heart to do it.” Episode 284.

Part 2

Janaia Donaldson

Janaia Donaldson is the host and producer of Peak Moment TV conversations showcasing grass roots entrepreneurs pioneering locally reliant, resilient communities during these challenging times of energy and resource decline, ecological limits, and economic turbulence. We tour North America in our mobile studio, taping on location. Peak Moment Conversations are online at Produced bi-weekly, there are over 200 half hour programs as of 2012.

Tags: bioremediation, grassroots, toxic landscapes