Caroline Pultz

Caroline Pultz’s main theme : “how to bring nature into your home”. Interior designer, 28 years old, she was born in Liege, Belgium. Her first job in Brussels was designing a material based on mushroom mycelium from the cultivation of oyster mushrooms on coffee grounds and launching a production of Lumifungi. A job that was already a low-tech job! Then she went to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in the high-end design industry to study and understand what is “sexy”, desirable and accepted in our current societies.

She discovered the Low-tech Lab in 2018 thanks to the Nomade des Mers series on ARTE and contacted them to launch the Low-Tech Belgium. And in 2019, the crew of the Nomade des Mers, on a stopover in California, invited her on board to study bio-sourced materials. She then climbed aboard the catamaran to take care of the management and development of the on-board ecosystem, implementing in their daily life the low-tech discovered there and making them “user friendly”. A real ecosystem that they shared through video-tutos or events and conferences on board.

Caroline is passionate about multi-skill approaches, especially in rethinking our relationship with life through habitat. She hasn’t left the Low-tech Lab since !