Taylor Brorby

Taylor Brorby is contributing editor at North American Review. He is the author of Crude: Poems, Coming Alive: Action and Civil Disobedience, and co-editor or Fracture: Essays, Poems, and Stories on Fracking in America. He is currently at work on books related to the Bakken oil boom, growing up gay on the Northern Great Plains, and being a diabetic.

Taylor Brorby

Boys and Oil with Taylor Brorby (Bonus episode of Crazy Town)

Taylor Brorby has written one hell of a memoir. It covers many critical topics that come up in Crazy Town, from fracking to civil disobedience to that most inept of  policies: aiming for infinite economic growth on a finite planet.

September 15, 2022


Biting the Hand That’s Fed Me

We need to end my family’s way of making money. To dig, strip, frack, mine, and drill is sinful—it is insulting to our intelligence, and it’s an insult towards our better creativity.

July 24, 2019


The Disabled Planet

To be healthy creates the illusion that health is perennial—a guarantee—while to be disabled is to acknowledge and work within limits. To acknowledge the limits of our bodies helps us better see the planet in peril. To acknowledge illness is to face reality, and then to fight like hell to be made well.

July 17, 2019