Carolyne Stayton is Co-Director of Transition US.
Think Resilience with Transition Streets!
Transition US has teamed up with Post Carbon Institute (PCI) to provide easy and free access of our Transition Streets Handbook (a curated guidebook empowering neighbors with proven actions to conserve energy & water, reduce waste & save money) to winter 2019 Think Resilience course participants.
January 4, 2019
Report back: 2015 Transition Network conference & Gathering of National Hubs
It was sobering to be at the conference in its greenness and moisture yet know that my state along with much of the western US was peppered with blazing fires.
October 9, 2015
Launch of Transition Streets in the US
After more than a year in the making (with lots of expert and volunteer support) we have finally released our neighborhood carbon/water/waste reduction project, Transition Streets.
July 1, 2015
To Build a Movement, Build Community
Carolyne Stayton of Transition US, on reframing, reskilling, REconomy, and more.
October 3, 2014