Andrew Curry

The Next Wave is my personal blog. I use it from time to time to write about drivers of change, trends, emerging issues, and other futures and scenarios topics. I work for the the School of International Futures in London. (Its blog is here).

I started as a financial journalist for BBC Radio 4’s Financial World Tonight, before moving to Channel 4 News during the 1980s. I still maintain an interest in digital media and in the notion of the creative economy.

Mid-life crisis

 The problem with ‘polycrisis’

Polycrisis vs metacrisis may seem like a distinction without a difference, but Rowson persuaded me that the different words have a different impact on our sense of agency in the face of crisis. ‘Metacrisis’, he argues, is more likely to give us the scope to act.

June 13, 2024

protest in Poland 2017

Looking for hope

We need to believe in people if we, the people, are to have any hope for ourselves and for humanity.

May 3, 2024

(Captain Miles Standish and his men observe the ‘immoral’ behavior of the Maypole festivities of 1628 at Merrymount. 1850 engraving, public domain, via Wikipedia.)

The Red May Day and the Green May Day

Our current forms of work, and the double exploitation they involve of planet and people, are at the heart of the climate crisis: ecological justice also requires social and economic justice.

May 1, 2024


Building the democratic local economy

The magazine Stir to Action, and the project that sits behind it, has been one of the most effective popularisers in the UK of the idea of community economics and community wealth building.

February 26, 2024

Kismet robot

The ‘vast uncertainty’ of AI and jobs

Autor is clear that the advent of AI has created greater uncertainty about the future of the labour market, and he isn’t necessarily optimistic. But it is right to underline the uncertainty. And, as he observes, a lot of these issues aren’t about technology. They’re about policy and politics.

February 20, 2024

Rally for a Just Transition

Planning for degrowth

So at one level, the choice we have is whether we manage growth down gently, and improve wellbeing outcomes at the same time, or just have it come crashing down around us.

January 22, 2024

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