Peak Moment 181: Partners in preparedness: Neighborhoods and emergency responders

October 14, 2010

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

Image RemovedThe last thing “Dr. Doom” Bob Hamlin expected was citizens offering to help his county Emergency Management Department. But when Deborah Stinson from Port Townsend’s Local 20/20 came to Bob’s office after Hurricane Katrina, they formed a partnership. Citizens are organizing and educating neighborhoods to be more self-reliant in emergencies. And they’re at the table with emergency responders in planning for disasters. (

Download the audio file for this episode here.

Janaia Donaldson

Janaia Donaldson is the host and producer of Peak Moment TV conversations showcasing grass roots entrepreneurs pioneering locally reliant, resilient communities during these challenging times of energy and resource decline, ecological limits, and economic turbulence. We tour North America in our mobile studio, taping on location. Peak Moment Conversations are online at Produced bi-weekly, there are over 200 half hour programs as of 2012.

Tags: Building Community