Act: Inspiration

Nina Simons: “Dancing With Contradictions – A Systems View”

March 2, 2023

(Conversation recorded on January 12th, 2023)

Show Summary

On this episode, author and social entrepreneur Nina Simons reminds us that in a fact driven culture, sometimes it’s important to return to the emotional, physical, and even spiritual in order to balance the conversation. In a world full of 8 billion unique individuals, how can we learn to listen to each person’s unique experience and perspective? Can we integrate the rational with our intuitions, and embody some of the shifts we’d like to see in the world?

About Nina Simons

Nina Simons is the Co-founder and Chief Relationship Officer at Bioneers. She is a social entrepreneur passionate about reinventing leadership, restoring the feminine, and co-creating a healthy and equitable future for all life on Earth. She co-edited Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart, and authored Nature, Culture, and the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership—released as a second edition in 2022 with an accompanying discussion guide and embodied practices. The first edition won Nautilus awards in the categories of Women in the 21st Century and Social Change & Social Justice. Nina serves on the Advisory Council for Daughters for Earth, and in 2017, received the Goi Peace Award with her husband and partner Kenny Ausubel.

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Show Notes and Links to learn more:

PDF Transcript

00:40 – Nina Simons info, works, Bioneers

05:40Kenny Ausubel

05:50 James Hansen

06:00Seeds of Change

07:21 – Bioneers podcast and web series

08:52Buckminster Fuller, The Preferred State

09:52Full Spectrum Leadership

15:25The Burning Times

16:00European Era of Witch Burnings

16:48Masculine and Feminine

17:48Transfer of medicine and healing from primarily women to men


22:01The Athena Doctrine

22:26Daughters for Earth

24:25Women are generally more involved in raising children than men

24:57Cycle syncing/syncing to the moon

25:23Fritjof Capra

27:35Iroquois questioning absence of women decision-makers/slavery in colonial governing

28:20Women of the Longhouse

28:50Patriarchal links to material surplus

31:40Different cultures and cooperation

34:28Resilience in nature study finding higher biodiversity results in faster and better recovery

35:01Janine Benyus – biomimicry

36:24Beloved community

36:55Introverts/extroverts – societal bias

40:00Dawna Markova, different learning types

45:25Earth Day 2022

47:05Native language and culture reclamation

47:49The Mycelium is Listening

48:03Fantastic Fungi

49:19Jonathan Haidt + TGS Podcast

49:28The Righteous Mind


59:34Epigenetic Trauma

1:00:34Fossil industries funding climate denialism education

1:04:19 – Corporation influence on the U.S. government and other governments

1:05:31Consensus Trance

1:06:49Anti-violence movement, Gandhi

1:10:41Discomfort Resilience


Teaser photo credit: Meeting of the Society of Mystic Animals c.1900. By Arthur C. Parker – "Secret Medicine Societies of the Seneca", Public Domain,

Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens is the Director of The Institute for the Study of Energy & Our Future (ISEOF) an organization focused on educating and preparing society for the coming cultural transition. Allied with leading ecologists, energy experts, politicians and systems thinkers ISEOF assembles road-maps and off-ramps for how human societies can adapt to lower throughput lifestyles. Nate holds a Masters Degree in Finance with Honors from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont. He teaches an Honors course, Reality 101, at the University of Minnesota.

Tags: building resilient societies, ecofeminism, systems thinking