Act: Inspiration

Not Being Heard

October 10, 2018

The drama that unfolded during the last few weeks over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court took many of us on a journey that no one could have predicted, and that became a drama about something much bigger than the Supreme Court. Bigger than party politics, or even right versus left. It became about being heard.

It became, for some of us, about memory, history, and the way we understood our own lives.

As for so many people, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s story brought up a specific episode buried deep in my past that I have told very few people about, an episode of being taken advantage of, of being used, and which I think of with shame and, yes, anger. #MeToo. I take responsibility for having been young and trusting and silly enough to have gotten myself into that situation and I never let it happen again. Still, the pain of it is there, always.

But more prosaically the drama became about the everyday pain of not being heard and not being taken seriously.  It has been a long, long road that women have had to make for ourselves, forging ahead, each beating a path to a greater degree of autonomy than was possible for our mothers and grandmothers.

Some women are not feminists. They proudly deny that there is anything or anyone holding them back. This is the rugged individualist position.  I know, I used to be like that and I can still be like that sometimes. But that is only to think of oneself. You can beat them at their own game if you are strong and smart, but doing so keeps the game intact and even validates it. It doesn’t help anyone but yourself. It doesn’t change the game.

This game where we burn up the world competing for the fastest growing economy.  This game where we abuse and exploit the only world we have.  Where no one is allowed to question business, growth, and money.  We have to change the game.

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I think we all know what it is like, both women and men, to have our points of view discounted and ignored, rather than considered carefully – because what we say does not fit the game, because it comes from a place of care rather than exploitation, of cooperation rather than competition. To care is seen as weakness. To talk of cooperation is to be naive.

I care more about life than I do about money. I care more about the health of my community and the world than I do about business success. This is what I want to talk about and build our world around. The men in suits cannot hear what I have to say. It does not fit their paradigm. To them it is silly.

And yet it is not silly. It is deadly serious. As the IPCC report that came out on Monday points out, we have 12 years to decrease emissions in order to possibly avoid catastrophic climate change. What could be more serious than that? If the room is getting too hot, we need to turn off the furnace.  It’s not a complicated concept. It is the responsible thing to do.

We must make ourselves heard, calmly but insistently.  The energy unleashed by returning to that place of pain these last few weeks can serve a greater purpose.


Teaser photo credit: Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Michelle Galimba

Iʻm a mom, cattle rancher, and blogger at Anima/Soul. I live near the southernmost town in the US and contribute regularly to my local public library through overdue book fines.

Tags: Communication, conversation, rebuilding resilient societies