Just Transition with Mateo Nube of Movement Generation

October 29, 2015

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015 – 11:00am – 12:15pm

Recording and/or Handouts: 

Short Video – Journey to a Just Transition

Movement Generation Website


To participate, please register online and you will receive call details via email.

Please note: this event will take place at 11:00AM Pacific/2:00PM Eastern time.

It has become clear we face two distinct possible futures:  Economic Transition or Ecological Collapse. If we stay the current course of a globalized industrial model, collapse is inevitable.  Yet many current Transition efforts, tacitly accept or overtly promote the further marginalization of working class communities and communities of color.  The fact is:  Transition is inevitable, but Justice is not.  Current climate change policy efforts are one example: high-density urban “smart growth” is fueling gentrification in many cities. 

Short Video (at Right): Journey to a Just Transition

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The dominant economy asserts that young black men are completely expendable, mountaintops & peoples in Appalachia are completely expendable, indigenous knowledge that cultivates our global food & medicine cabinet is completely expendable  We must build a Transition movement that directly confronts these realities.  We must create an intentional pathway – a Just Transition – towards local, living, loving, linked economies, rooted in racial, class & gender justice.

Join Mateo Nube from Movement Generation, as he lays out a Just Transition Framework for Action….

Speaker Bio:

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Mateo is one of the co-founders of the Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project.  He was born and grew up in La Paz, Bolivia.  Since moving to the San Francisco Bay Area, he has worked in the labor, environmental justice and international solidarity movements.  Mateo has spent the last two decade integrating concepts of popular education into his movement work.  He is also a member of the Latin rock band Los Nadies.

Marissa Mommaerts

Marissa Mommaerts is an activist, organizer, grower, maker, entrepreneur & mother. After a brief career in international sustainable development policy, Marissa left Washington DC and began searching for systemic approaches to healing our ecological, economic, social and political systems – and that’s when she found Transition. She joined the Transition US team in 2013 and has served in various roles supporting all aspects of the organization. Currently she serves as National Network Organizer and focuses on strengthening relationships and organizing systems at all levels of the US Transition Movement. Marissa lives in rural Western Colorado, where she and her partner co-founded Cultivating Botanical Dreams, a regenerative family farm business specializing in handcrafted hemp and herbal wellness products. Marissa has a Master’s degree in International Public Affairs from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Tags: #carfree, environmental justice movement, Social justice, Transition movement