Páramo in Ecuador

Why the National Páramo Day in Ecuador matters

In early May, Ecuador’s National Assembly voted to declare June 23rdDía Nacional de los Páramos, or National Páramo Day. This designation at once recognizes the importance of these high mountain grasslands and underscores the need for improved conservation efforts. 

June 24, 2021

The Andean páramo

Learning From the Struggle: Youth Participation in the Defense of Páramo Ecosystems

Efforts to protect the páramo overlap with Indigenous struggles for recognition and environmental justice. Local leaders know that the future of all these actions depend on one group in particular: young people.

March 9, 2021

Alpacas in the paramo

A victory for Indigenous environmental activism in Ecuador

To be successful, páramo protection will need to be led by the Indigenous and campesino communities who share the richest histories and everyday entanglements with these unique lands.

December 15, 2020