Thomas Klaffke

I am a researcher based in Germany. Currently, I am exploring thought-provoking ideas to build a better world with my newsletter Creative Destruction (2,300+ subscribers). I have a Masters in Futures Studies and worked at several foresight and innovation consultancies. My last job involved building a community for business changemakers (i.e. those wanting to change the business status quo) and helping businesses become more sustainable and resilient. More on my background here:


Towards Planetarity

A new worldview is emerging, and it’s much richer, more meaningful, and more beautiful than the thinking that currently dominates our societies. I’m talking about planetarism, or what some also call planetarity.

May 9, 2024

Hyundai Tucson

The Anatomy of Narrative Change

Today, let’s examine this narrative change using the example of car-centricity. My goal here is to show you the amazing things that are possible when we break free from the old way of thinking and doing.

April 2, 2024

Community solar project

Community Economies: Reframing Wealth Building

“How can we change the system?” There are different ways one can answer this question. One way that, at least to me, is increasingly becoming the silver bullet for large-scale transformation is Community-Based Wealth Building.

January 11, 2024