Robert Raymond

Robert Raymond is the Co-Producer and Creative Director of the Upstream Podcast. He is passionate about exploring the intersections of sound design, storytelling, and eco-socialist principles to help ease our way out of these tumultuous times.

The Response Ep 1

The Response Podcast Episode 1: Radical Approaches to Disaster Relief in New York

In our new podcast series, The Response, we aim to share a perspective that isn’t extensively covered in the mainstream media. Specifically, we ask the question: how do communities come together in the aftermath of disasters — often in the face of inadequate official response — to take care of each other?

October 3, 2018

Disaster response cartoon

Disaster Collectivism: How Communities Rise Together to Respond to Crises

There is another story taking place; one based on altruism, solidarity, and social responsibility — and when we look closely, we can see it happening all around us. This is the story of disaster collectivism.

October 2, 2018

Kali Akuno

Cooperation Jackson’s Kali Akuno: ‘We’re Trying to Build Vehicles of Social Transformation’

If people can create their own livelihood, I won’t say business, because it’s more than just business — but if we can create and control own livelihoods, it eliminates the long legacy of exploitation, of abuse, that people — particularly black people — have suffered in this community.

June 15, 2018

Workplaces are Commons

The Sustainable Economies Law Center is an organization based out of Oakland, California, that puts economic democracy front and center in its mission to support community resilience and grassroots economic empowerment.

April 17, 2018

How Cooperation Richmond is Empowering Marginalized Communities to Build an Equitable Economy

But in the shadow of the looming refinery, and within the spaces between boarded up storefronts and abandoned lots, something is stirring in Richmond. Residents, organizers, and activists have come together to create an incubation hub for community revitalization and resilience.

March 22, 2018