Nayeema Eusuf

Nayeema is a Bangladeshi-American market gardener in RI

Gray catbird


Kitty – as I call him- is a catbird, as curious and mysterious as his four legged counterpart. A sleek gray bird with a black cap and mischievous eyes, all legs and long lines like a model on a runway. As spring blooms and blossoms, Kitty decides to adopt me.

January 22, 2025

Arthur the ash tree


But Arthur gets the last word. Two seasons into our one-sided friendship, he shocks me by putting out new growth: a pair of gray-green sapling-slender shoots swelling with red velvet buds.

March 23, 2023

American Robin


Understanding runs into economics with a solid thunk. I am tired of this stupid bird that’s squatting in my workspace and harassing me. So I think, why not just outwit him?

January 17, 2023

American black bear


Eventually – and I’m still working on it – I accept that Nature is just doing her thing. She is communicating to me her boundaries and keeping me at bay, protecting her blue jays and possums and raccoons.

December 14, 2022

bitter melon


I have often wondered if reincarnation is actually that curious mid-life phenomenon whereby a person – after decades of youthful non-conformity – overnight turns into their parent. Suddenly they are anxious and unhappy, and convinced the next generation is going to ruin.

April 15, 2022