Kaat Vander Straeten

Kaat is a member of the Wayland Energy and Climate Committee, a co-founder of Transition Wayland  (an MCAN Chapter), and a key leader in Wayland’s two successful Solarize Mass campaigns. With Ellen, Kaat started MassEnergize in 2017. Since 2010 her full-time activism has followed the Transition Towns view that the local is the key to resilience because the local is personal and the local is everywhere. In 2015 she received Wayland’s Lydia Maria Child Award for her service to the town in all things green.

Kaat is also a gardener and  groundskeeper, a Certified Permaculture Designer (Sowing Solutions), a graduate of E. Ingham’s Life in the Soil classes Celebration), a beekeeper, bee consultant, and founder of BEElieve Beekeepers, a systems thinking enthusiast, and a coordinator of the Middle School Town Meeting Article Club. In her spare time she reads philosophy and poetry, and writes novels. She holds a Ph.d. in Philosophy from the University of Brussels, Belgium.