Jonathan White

Jonathan White is Professor of Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is the author of Political Allegiance after European Integration(Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) and, with Lea Ypi, The Meaning of Partisanship (Oxford University Press, 2016).  He is currently working on a monograph provisionally titled The Transnational Politics of Emergency. Follow him on twitter @JonathanPJWhite.

The Pitfalls of Generational Thinking

Generationalism risks obscuring the diversity of experiences, ideas and interests that characterise human society at any given moment. By locating the lines of conflict and solidarity on a cross-temporal plane, some important divisions—between rich and poor countries, different class groups, and rival views of the market, state and the economics of growth—are  rendered less visible in the present.

May 17, 2018