Joe Liesman

Joe Liesman is an Environmental Studies student at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. He writes about nature, climate change, and his love of the outdoors. When not at school, Joe can be found at his home in Pelham, New York, or somewhere on the road.

The downstream view from Dak Mi Hydropower Station, Vietnam – Photo taken by Joe Liesman while studying climate justice in Vietnam with SIT/IHP.

Climate Change, Dinosaurs and the State of the Environmental Movement

The conversation you hear about the environment on CNN is not the conversation taking place in college dorms or outdoors clubs or in community centers or on farms or in the heads of those who hope and fight and when they sleep they dream of mountain air and when they close their eyes at work for just a moment are no further removed from the ocean than the fish who swim in it. And they are getting louder.

August 5, 2019