Debbie Bookchin

Debbie Bookchin is an author, award-winning journalist and co-editor of The Next Revolution: Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy (Verso, 2014), a collection of essays by Murray Bookchin.

Murray Bookchin

How my Father’s Ideas Helped the Kurds Create a New Democracy

My father, eighty-three years old at the time, had spent six decades writing hundreds of articles and twenty-four books articulating an anticapitalist vision of an ecological, democratic, egalitarian society that would eliminate the domination of human by human, and bring humanity into harmony with the natural world, a body of ideas he called “social ecology.”

August 28, 2018

Radical Municipalism: The Future We Deserve

For many years the left has struggled with the question of how to bring our ideas, of equality, economic justice and human rights, to fruition. And my father’s political trajectory is instructive for the argument that I want to make: that municipalism isn’t just one of many ways to bring about social change — it is really the only way that we will successfully transform society.

August 10, 2017