Chiara Garini

Chiara Garini recently started her own farm enterprise with her partner in the Province of Trento (Italy). She has previously working in care farming on the Conca d’ Oro farm, where she managed production of organic fruit and vegetables preserves. She has Double Masters Degree in Organic Agriculture – Agroecology. Wageningen University and Research (the Netherlands) and ISARA-Lyon (France). Chiara received a Bachelor’s Degree in Gastronomic Sciences Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy).

forest garden

Letter From The Farm | Wandering In Quest Of Balance

Overall, failure of public authorities to accommodate multifunctional projects like those of Chiara can further exacerbate a larger trend in Italy towards a type of farm diversification that exploits capital and land, instead of valorising labour, quality food, and nature.

September 27, 2023

agroforestry in valley

Letter From The Farm: Realism And Planning For Utopia

The concept of diversity has been leading our choices as we see its potentialities both in agriculture and diet.

March 12, 2021