Charles D. Thompson

Charles D. Thompson, Jr., is the author, editor, and director of more than a dozen books and documentaries focusing on rural life, including his latest film, Homeplace Under Fire, concerning the thirty-year history of farm advocacy as supported by Willie Nelson and others. Thompson is the Professor of the Practice of Cultural Anthropology and Documentary Studies at Duke University. His latest book is Going Over Home (Chelsea Green Publishing, October 2019)

GoingOverHome cover

Going Over Home: Excerpt

Are there rural Americans who will embrace neighbors who do not look like them, go beyond tribalism and fear, and welcome diverse allies in the struggle for common goals? Will rural whites come to see that their future is tied to racial, environmental, and economic justice for all? I believe the answers to these questions will determine whether our national drive to form a “more perfect union” can survive. Everything America stands for is riding on this.

October 24, 2019