At the age of 9, I first noticed the waste problem. Already in the age of the supermarket, and hyper-packaged food to lift off the shelf, I asked why the council wasn’t recycling – and wrote a letter to the local newspaper about it. My interest in the environment continued for the rest of my life, and 2 years ago, I started my blog, The blog seeks to explore the ecological crisis in the context of our modern lifestyles, in an understandable and thought-provoking way.
I also write for local newspapers, and contribute to a quarterly newsletter for a UK based environmental organisation.
Outside of writing, I have given a number of talks on different environmental topics, such as engine idling, the rise of SUVs, and food waste recycling. I am also involved with a number of local campaigns including restoring water quality in the river, addressing air pollution, and questioning the planning policy of the local council in the context of the climate and ecological emergency.