Boyd Cohen

Boyd obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado (Boulder) in Strategy & Entrepreneurship. Since then he has lived and worked in Madrid, Vancouver, Buenos Aires, Santiago and now Barcelona where he is a joint professor at EADA Business School and the Universitat de Vic. His expertise is in the areas of smart cities, urban innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability. He is our lead consultant and researcher and is a regular keynote speaker at events around the globe.

Post-Capitalist Entrepreneurship: B Corps and Beyond

Post-capitalist entrepreneurship (PCE) instead is about changing the underlying logic of entrepreneurial organizing, governance models, legal structures, approach to intellectual property, perception of consumption and production and of course the ultimate objectives and metrics of success.

November 3, 2017

How Post-Capitalist Entrepreneurs Are Creating an Inclusive Economy

Lucky for us, the possibilities to transform capitalism and to create a more inclusive economy that operates in better harmony with social and ecological systems is already being developed. In my new book, “Post-Capitalist Entrepreneurship,” I attempt to shine the light on the growing movement of alternative organizing occurring around the globe.

October 24, 2017