Alan Adams

Alan Adams is a former Peace Corps Volunteer currently collaborating as a volunteer consultant for Mushuk Yuyay, a community development organization in the Ecuatorian Andes.

Healthy Children, Healthy Future

Heathy Children, Healthy Future in Ecuador

Nutrition education is one way that the Kañari people can put their children into a better world than the one they inherited. Not only will the world be moving toward better balance, the children will be prepared to continue and further that movement.

December 11, 2019

Cañari women

Lino’s Dream

But Lino did foresee the resilience, the determination, and the imagination of the Kañari people. He knew that, given the opportunity, they could solve the problems. That is what they are doing through TUCAYTA, the bilingual/bicultural education, the Savings and Loan Cooperative, the community cooperatives, and through Mushuk Yuyay, the association of seed and nutritious food producers.

October 31, 2019