Canaries in the coal mine

July 6, 2007

Below is a list of countries with reported energy shortages occurring within the past few months.

Pretty amazing when you see the number of places around the world that are being affected right now.

While Americans and Europeans may grumble about paying more to fill up their comfortable vehicles, a lot of people in poorer areas are sweltering in heat, freezing in the cold, reading by candlelight, and having trouble getting to work, if their place of work is still in operation.

We are just beginning to see the early demand destruction that will surely accelerate as fossil fuels start to become supply constrained.

Asia and Middle East

Nepal Gasoline and diesel
Pakistan Natural gas and electricity
Iraq Gasoline
Iran Gasoline
Bangladesh Electricity
Sri Lanka Gasoline
Philipines Electricity
China Electricity
India Electricity
Viet Nam Electricity


Uganda Electricity
Zimbabwe Gasoline and diesel
Ghana Electricity
Nigeria Gasoline
Senegal Electricity
Liberia Electricity
Kenya Gasoline and diesel
Gambia Gasoline and diesel


Argentina Natural gas and electricity Diesel
Nicaragua Electricity
Chile Natural gas and electricity
Costa Rica Electricity
Dominican Republic Electricity

Tags: Consumption & Demand, Electricity, Transportation