Richard Heinberg on Sustainable Nation Podcast

Richard Heinberg joins Sustainable Nation to discuss:

The current state of energy and its contributions to the climate crisis
The shale gas and tight oil bubble
Community resiliency
The transition to a fossil fuel free future
Recommendations and advice for sustainability leaders

Secretary of Energy Moves to Save Coal: The Art of the Squeal

When the Department’s report was finally released, it admitted the rise of increasingly cheap and available solar and wind were not the culprits condemning coal and nuclear to the slag heap of U.S. power supplies. Still, the report suggested—strongly—the nation needed to prop up the two sectors the market was otherwise turning away from–for reliability and security reasons.

Germany’s Transition from Coal to Renewable Energy Offers Lessons for the Rest of the World

But what does the transition mean for residents of Essen and the rest of the Ruhr region — the former industrial coal belt — whose lives and livelihoods have been dramatically altered by the reduced demand for coal? The answer to that could hold some useful lessons for those undergoing similar transitions elsewhere.