Fracking: There’s Something In The Air

March 10, 2015

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.


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Gas flaring image via wcn247/flickr. Creative Commons 2.0 license.

The potential damage posed by hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” to ground water, its contribution to earthquake risk, and overall deceptive practices by the industry, have all been exposed through science and good journalism. Today on Sea Change Radio we explore aspects of fracking that may be less known. This week’s guest is Caroline Cox, the Research Director for the Center for Environmental Health who recently co-authored an important study tracking the air pollution associated with this controversial extraction process. We talk about the study’s methods, findings, and what it may mean moving forward. Then, we re-visit our interview with Jaeah Lee and James West of Mother Jones and their profile of the burgeoning fracking industry in China.

Alex Wise

Alex Wise is the host and executive producer of Sea Change Radio, a nationally-distributed interview-format radio show concerned with the advances being made toward a more environmentally sustainable world, economy, and future.

Tags: air pollution, Fracking