NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

• The Energy Reality Campaign (2013)
Nation-wide campaign to increase energy literacy by providing free educational resources to activists (including the book ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth, free online essays, videos, and infographics). Partnered with five national advocacy organizations; 200 ambassadors recruited; 4,600 books distributed; 400,000 social media impressions.
• Book: The Post Carbon Reader (2010)
First major compendium of sustainability and resilience thinking for lay readers post-2008. Now in its 6th printing, with more than 20,000 copies sold, 2 awards won, 20,000 chapter downloads, and used in more than 50 college courses.
• The Relocalization Network (2003-2009)
First major online home for the international grassroots relocalization / peak oil / transition movement.
• (2012-2013)
Top international website for news and information related to building community resilience, over 1 million views annually. Built on the success of the popular peak oil information website, (2003-2011).
• Book Series: The Community Resilience Guides (2012-2013)
Promoted and contributed to the conceptual development of the concept of building community resilience by creating vibrant, local food, energy, and economic systems.
• Report: Drill, Baby, Drill (2013)
Groundbreaking report based on an unprecedented analysis of over 60,000 U.S. shale oil and gas wells, concluded that the U.S. the natural gas boom is a bubble. Coverage in The Economist, USA Today, Bloomberg, Forbes, etc.
• Book: The End of Growth (2011)
First major U.S. book to seriously explore the end of economic growth in the post-Great Recession world.
• Video: “300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds” (2010)
More than 1.5 million views, winner of YouTube Nonprofit Video of the Year Award.
• Book: Post Carbon Cities (2007)
First major guidebook on peak oil and climate change for local governments.
• Trusting that a community of concerned and engaged people could build resilience, sustain innovation, and support the emergence of a healthier future
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