From Green New Deal to New Economy Coalition (Part I)

January 8, 2013

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

Image RemovedThe Green Economy Movement

Even though the green economy has been growing in the U.S. for decades, its birth into mainstream social consciousness very much began with the push for a Green New Deal as an immediate solution to the collapsed economy in late 2008.  We saw the potential for job creation through public investment with the Green Jobs Act prior to the collapse and the subsequent American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.[1]   The hope behind the push for a Green New Deal is based upon FDR’s New Deal legislation in the 1930s and the works of economist John Maynard Keynes.  Its focus is a massive reinvestment by the government into the economy, except a sizable portion this time around would be focused on renewable energy, energy efficiency, public transportation, improvements to the electrical grid, and other carbon-reducing strategies for job creation.  

The Great Recession was caused by a combination of two major factors, with the center of it being the overall failure of the decades long strategy of neoliberalism.  On the one hand, the collapse of the fragile and unstable financial system was created by a long process of what French economists Gerard Dumenil and Dominique Levy call, “the quest for high income, financialization, and globalization.”  This quest refers to the efforts of the 1% to increase incomes via profits, capital gains, bonuses, stock options, and wages, while using that vast wealth to push for the deregulation (especially of the financial sector) and the expansion of increasingly unwieldy financial instruments.  This growing and already colossal financial sector also became an increasingly global movement to expand the so-called “free market,” to deregulate the global economy under the guise of globalization. 

The second major factor in their analysis of the cause of The Great Recession is “the macro trajectory of the U.S. Economy.”  In this factor they identified three main aspects: the “low and declining [capital] accumulation rates, the trade deficit, and the growing dependency on financing from the rest of the world and domestic indebtedness.”  This neoliberal strategy failed to correct a decades long trend of declining capital accumulation rates by corporations, while the movement of corporations abroad greatly worsened the trade deficit and, when coupled with the concerted effort of the 1% to enhance their wealth at the expense of the other 99%, forced the vast majority into substantial debt.  This unsustainable situation triggered a collapse in the housing market, triggering the rapid decline of the entire economy in its wake.  It is, in turn, this overall failure of the neoliberal strategy that’s beginning to lead to something transformative, new, and green.[2]

Keynes believed that in instances of economic crisis what was required to jumpstart the economy was significant government / public investment.  By investing a considerable amount of money into the economy, the government could, he believed, offset the overall decline in demand; thereby create jobs, rebuild the tax base, and allow the government to make its investment back without increasing the long-term deficit.  The idea behind the Green New Deal has been simple: instead of a New Deal like with FDR back in the 1930s, this would invest in renewable energy, public transportation, energy efficiency, improvements to the electricity grid, etc.  This is what makes it a Green New Deal. Unfortunately, even with the funding through ARRA and smaller governmental stimulus measures, the amount of funding has thus fallen far short of levels necessary to jumpstart the economy.[3]  On top of that, the lack of adequate funding leaves us far behind on global targets to cap atmospheric carbon levels as well; despite many claiming the current cap of 450 ppm is far too high, needing to be under 350 ppm to truly halt more damage.[4]

Still, Green New Deal policies are a massive shift from the neoliberal orthodoxy of the last few decades.  Just like the Republican Party’s almost unanimous support for destructive trade agreements, most Republicans oppose Green New Deal types of policies as well.  It doesn’t matter that their opposition is based on flawed or even outright fabricated ‘analyses.’  Their opposition is based on the interests of who pays for their political campaigns.  The oil and gas industry alone spent almost $64 Million in the 2012 election cycle, 90% of which went to members of the Republican Party.[5]  Meanwhile, clean energy and low-carbon companies are growing and building a political force of their own. This is growing and will, over time, provide a counterforce to the oil and gas industry and their stranglehold on Capitol Hill.  The American Council on Renewable Energy represents many of those clean energy companies and their trade associations.[6]  Similarly, the push for an energy efficient economy is finding a new political voice in the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.[7]

What’s perhaps the most exciting and promising aspect of the movement for a green economy and Green New Deal is that it’s bringing together a host of different organizations representing communities and constituencies that have not often come together over the years.  The future will likely only hold greater unity for them based upon their collective vision for a transformed economy.  When the movement for a green economy and a Green New Deal came to prominence in 2009-2010, as so-called Cap & Trade policies and others were on the verge of passage, The Alliance for Climate Protection, a non-profit organization whose board chair is Al Gore, was leading the charge.  It acted as a coordinating entity of sorts with numerous member organizations helping provide a degree of direction to the movement in general.  Now called The Climate Reality Project, its focus has shifted more towards general public education around climate change.  This is likely a result of the inability to pass comprehensive climate change legislation during President Obama’s first term and the drastic decline in public belief around the role of human activity in causing climate change.[8]  It seems few expect such a drastic assault by the extreme right in spreading disinformation like the manufactured “Climate Gate” scandal.

Labor unions, manufacturers, and environmental organizations are coming together through organizations like the Apollo Alliance and the Blue-Green Alliance (recently merged).  They are made up of both public and private labor unions like the Steelworkers Union along with environmental organizations like the Sierra Club, even manufacturers large and small.[9]  Small and medium-sized businesses are part of this movement through the Clean Economy Network.  Ceres is bringing together a wide variety of companies and investors small and large to address climate change and build a green economy.  Broad umbrella organizations have emerged representing all types of community-based local organizations.  1Sky is the biggest of these organizations and recently merged with under the name to create a large advocacy organization made up of hundreds of thousands of members in the U.S. and a still larger global movement.   It tackles many of the traditional environmental issues, while also advocating for Green New Deal policies.[10]  The Green Economy Coalition recently emerged as a global network to strategically support the expansion of the green economy at a global level in advance of the UN’s Summit on the 20th anniversary of the Earth Summit this past June of 2012.[11]

Low-income communities and communities of color are part in this movement too.  Green For All has been pioneering the creation of green jobs, career-track jobs that pay a living wage, have benefits, and address environmental issues at the same time.  They lobby Congress on environmental and Green New Deal policies, develop innovative policy research, while assisting coalitions of organizations in cities to implement green job creation strategies and helping green businesses grow.[12]  Providing empowering opportunities for traditionally marginalized communities is a vital aspect of this growing movement, which is why Green For All and others similarly working to create and expand opportunities low-income communities, communities of color, and others who have traditionally been passed by when economic opportunities arise. 

There are other organizations and efforts within this larger movement for a Green New Deal.  The Smart Growth Alliance is pioneering a new national opposition to sprawl and support for public transportation at the same time.  There are even signs that working to rebuild our urban cores around public transportation and the remediation of brownfields can be done in ways that empower traditionally marginalized communities.[13]  Numerous other organizations are starting sustainability initiatives aimed at involving themselves in one way or another in this movement for a green economy and a Green New Deal.  ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability, is a network of local governments from around the world focused on the best ways for governments to leverage their resources to best build the green economy.[14]

Outside of the public policy arena, organizations and institutions all across the country are launching sustainability initiatives as part of a truly massive movement.  Colleges and universities and joining this movement through the American Association for Sustainability in Higher Education.  Countless think tanks have emerged to focus on renewable energy and clean tech to workforce development, bio-based alternatives to petroleum-based chemicals, and much more.  

This movement isn’t the only game in town when it comes to transforming the economy.  Alongside the push for a green economy is the “New Economy Movement.”   The green economy movement is much more expansive though, but aside from the work of groups like Green For All, it’s very much a “double bottom line movement.”  Unlike traditional economic approaches that stand firmly on the belief that profit should be pursued above all else, that considerations of externalities like the environment only hinder profitability, the green economy movement is based on the belief that profitability and environmental sustainability can go hand in hand.  As will be discussed in a subsequent article, the new economy movement takes the goals of the green economy one step further, emphasizing a “triple bottom line” of people, planet, and profits.  Just like the recognition that environmental sustainability and profit aren’t mutual exclusive, the new economy movement stresses that the well being of communities can go hand in hand with environmental sustainability and the well being of the economy overall.

When the green economy movement first came on the scene with the ascendency of Van Jones to become President Obama’s green jobs advisor, some claimed it was part of a Communist conspiracy.  Despite the irrational rantings of Glenn Beck and others, there is a strong push within this movement to more fundamentally transform the economic system as a whole.  It just doesn’t have anything to do with traditional or “actually-existing” forms of Communism.

Given the frightening reality of climate change, the manipulative push-back from powerful corporate interests, and the longer-term economic stagnation that stands before us, it is likely that the green economy movement will increasingly take on the task of a more fundamental and structural transformation of the economy.  As the structural imbalances of power continue to thwart attempts to transform the economy through Capitol Hill, the Citizens United decision and the corporate assault on our democracy as an example, the green economy movement will increasingly find itself faced with the decision to fight for a more fundamental transformation of the dominant values and institutions in the U.S.  This is why it and the new economy movement are so important because a triple bottom line framework and transformational focus must increasingly creep into the green economy movement, while these different movements find greater ideological and organizational unity. 

We can already see the rise of a considerable mistrust of the entire notion of a green economy, evidenced by terms like ‘green washing’ and the decline in belief regarding climate change.  A poignant example of this mistrust can be found with criticisms of the recent “Rio +20 Summit.”  The 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development was meant to produce a renewed transformational focus on revamping the global economy for the planet and its poor, but it showed little signs of achievement.  What’s more, this was codified in an alternative summit hosted as the “People’s Summit Rio+20,” which concluded that there was a need to completely rewrite the green economy movement towards the original goals of an Earth Summit meant to transform the global economy into something that benefits the planet and its poorest as well.  From the perspective of the planet’s poorest and the organizations working with them, the green economy doesn’t represent opportunity.  It represents a friendlier face of a global capitalist economy that has exploited they and their natural resources for decades.  And just as the Alliance for Climate Protection became The Climate Reality Project in the face of public mistrust and disbelief in the realities of climate change, if the green economy movement wishes to win the hearts and minds of the American people, it has to not just educate, but to create tangible and immediate solutions for individuals and communities struggling in the wake of our broken economy.  

The green economy has been growing in the U.S. for decades, but if its going to go to the next level to transform the overall economy during these delicate beginning years of the 21st Century, then it needs a mass movement behind it.  The only way that’s possible, the only way the movement for a green economy becomes an impassioned charge from communities all across the country, the world for that matter, is for it to place the well being of those same communities into the forefront of it’s goals.  When the movement to build a green economy transforms itself from a double bottom line to a triple bottom line movement, while finding ways equitably support and interact with even the most marginalized communities, that’s when it’s on the path to victory.  

[1] “A Green New Deal,” (London: New Economics Foundation, July 2008).  This report was in many ways the initial catalyst for efforts around the globe.

[2] Gerard Dumineil & Dominique Levy, The Crisis of Neoliberalism, (MA, Harvard University Press, 2011), P. 35-40.

[3] For a detailed description for how a Green New Deal could lead to substantial economic development, see Tim Jackson, Prosperity Without Growth, (DC: EarthScan, 2009). P. 113.

[4] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN).” Abu Dhabi, May 9th, 2011.

[5] Statistics provided by the Center for Responsive Politics.

[6] For more information, see their website:

[7] For more information, see their website:

[8] For more information, see their website:

[9] For more information, see their website:

[10] For more information, see their website:

[11] For more information, see their website:

[12] For more information, see their website:

[13] Carlton C. Eley. “Equitable Development: Untangling the Web of Urban Development through Collaborative Problem Solving.” Sustain: A Journal of Environmental and Sustainability Issues. Issue 21, Fall/Winter 2010.

The New Partners for Smart Growth conference and larger efforts holds considerable promise. For more information, see:

[14] For more information, see their website:


Tags: America, Business, change, commerce, community, consumer, Corporations, democracy, democratic, development, driven, earth, eco, ecology, economic, Economy, Energy, environmental, equality, equity, evolution, finance, foundation, government, grassroots, green, impact, inclusion, investing, justice, living, local, mission, Movement, new, nonprofit, people, policy, renewable, social, sustainable, transform, transformation