Live Event
Welcome to the Great Unraveling

An Orientation to the Polycrisis

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If you had previously registered for the event or are a Resilience+ member, you were emailed a link to the recording on May 15, 2024.

Have you been feeling a sense of unease about the state of the world? From climate change and biodiversity loss to social inequality and overconsumption, it seems like multiple crises are converging at once. What’s really going on here?

Join us at 11:00 AM US Pacific Time on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 for Welcome to the Great Unraveling: An Orientation to the Polycrisis, a free online event that will help you get clarity on the big picture.

From featured speakers Dr. Lyla June Johnston and Kumi Naidoo, you’ll learn:

  • How humanity’s pursuit of endless growth got us into this mess
  • Why climate change, biodiversity loss, and other issues are symptoms of a larger systemic problem
  • A framework for understanding the converging crises of the 21st century
  • Ways you can get involved in being part of the solution

These are uncertain times. But with understanding comes power.


Dr. Lyla June Johnston (aka Lyla June) is an Indigenous musician, scholar, and community organizer of Diné (Navajo), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne) and European lineages. Her multi-genre presentation style has engaged audiences across the globe towards personal, collective, and ecological healing. She blends her study of Human Ecology at Stanford, graduate work in Indigenous Pedagogy, and the traditional worldview she grew up with to inform her music, perspectives and solutions.

For over 40 years, Kumi Naidoo has been a voice amongst many for social, economic and environmental justice. From his humble township upbringing in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, to his work as an anti-Apartheid activist, to his leadership of international NGOs, Kumi has remained rooted in Martin Luther King’s Creative Maladjustment principles – refusing to normalize inequality and devoting himself to exposing injustice.

Explore these topics further in our free report, Welcome to the Great Unraveling. It offers a coherent narrative about the roots of the polycrisis, the signs of its arrival and evolution, and why we should be thinking differently about the future.

Download Report